Monday, January 6, 2020


Our cats have occupied a special place in our home, in our family (probably in part because we don't have human children): from being featured on holiday cards to having their own stockings to my training them to let me hold them like babies...the cats stuff themselves into box-shaped spaces in our hearts. 

See? His stocking went up first! 

Cat. Since Abner passed away last year and the Maebe debacle, we are down to just one -- Lucky. He is my snugglebuddy, but he loves Bryce's lap. We call it the Special Lap because as soon as Bryce crosses one leg, creating the perfect cradle hole, Lucky jumps up there and promptly falls into a purry sleep-- even if he was on MY lap first. He's playful and cuddly and sweet. 

"Helping" me work in the cutest possible way

So it was very scary when he started vomiting like crazy on Friday, and acting weird. I got him into the vet that afternoon, and they gave him subcutaneous fluids and said to watch him for more vomit, that if he continued then they'd want to do x-rays to check for an obstruction or foreign body. 

Friday night he puked off the bed (like a gross waterfall) and we had to change sheets and everything. He was still acting weird in the morning, so I called the vet and we got him in for x-rays. 

They saw something, "granular material" that could be cloth or yarn, in his stomach (but nothing in his intestine, which was good news). But the bad news was, they wanted us to go to the Emergency Animal Hospital in the morning to get a retake of the x-rays and make sure that whatever it was went on its merry way, otherwise we'd be facing scary surgery. They gave him more fluids, which made him look like he had one really big floofy shoulder, and an anti-nausea injection, and sent him home. 

It was so, so terrifying. I was so nervous that 2020 was going to start with losing Lucky, and we wouldn't even be cat parents anymore, and the house would be even more silent, and my Game of Thrones "Mother of Cats" t-shirt would be a hollow lie.  And, he really is the best cat. We got him when he was 5 from our local SPCA shelter, and he's been just awesome (other than terrorizing Maebe). He knows just when to climb on my lap and purr and knead my flub. 

THANKFULLY, it turned out (after many, many dollars) that whatever it was moved along, and he's okay. Quiet, and oddly minus his plaintive meow since he's come home, but tonight he fell asleep on my lap while I worked on school stuff and his little head weighed down my hand and wrist and I typed like that anyway because he was just so cozy. Bryce is away for a whirlwind business trip, so the Special Lap wasn't available, but I'd like to think he would have still been a living wristwarmer for me. 

Lucky was the name he came with, and we were lucky to find him 8 years ago. He lived up to his name this weekend -- hopefully he stays lucky for a good long time! 

Happy to be home!
Want to read more #Microblog Mondays? Go here and enjoy! 


  1. Aww Lucky. So glad he's feeling better!!!

  2. Awww, he looks so content in that last photo (as well as in the others - he looks like the best kind of cuddly)! So glad that he's doing better now - whatever he had going on sounds absolutely terrible. Here's hoping for many more years of good health and Lucky-ness!

  3. That's SO scary. Especially the nights - I think those are the worst for things to happen. You must not have seen anything that passed in the litter box? So crazy. Animals are weird in what they randomly eat. And I should know. My dog (though much more behaved now) ate the weirdest things back in the day, including a bag of lentils.

  4. I'm glad it turned out OK, but wow, how scary in the meantime! I love the Special Lap and knead-my-flub stories <3.

  5. So glad he is ok!!!! He sounds like a super awesome cat!!

  6. I’m so glad he’s ok. You have suffered enough loss!

  7. Yay for lucky. I am so glad he's okay.

  8. I'm so glad Lucky was lucky. I want him to snuggle up on my lap. (I really miss not having cats.)

  9. Glad this story ended well. Is Lucky back to 100%? He looks so much like one of my cats (Cocoa).
