Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Quite the Scare

This is Lucky.

He loves boxes. He claims boxes for his own use pretty much immediately upon arrival and vacancy.

Lucky is our furry child who we can legally ignore when he's being an attention hog, at least until he strategically knocks things to the floor. 

Lucky gave us quite the scare -- he was yowling, unable to get comfortable, not eating, and then projectile vomiting across the floor Wednesday night (always night). So I took him to Emergency. 

I did not know two things: 1) he'd be hospitalized for three days and 2) my car battery would die for good and I'd need to get a replacement from AAA in the parking lot of the Emergency Animal Hospital at 2 am while a lovely chain-smoking family, NOT wearing masks, shouted expletives at the billing staff. A fun side effect of curbside waiting is apparently dead batteries (I was one of two in the Emergency parking lot). Also, they kept referring to Lucky as an "older cat" and as a 13 year old I guess he is newly "senior," but it was weird since he is so very playful and snuggly and spry.

Now my battery is brand new and Lucky is home, with a lot of medications to help his mild pancreatitis, inflamed bowel, and apparent monster hairball that has wreaked havoc on my poor sweet boy. He's eating now and seems better every day, an exorbitant amount of money later. Worth it though, because he's our snuggly boy.

Mildly obscene photo of Lucky "helping" with my puzzle and showing off his funky barber job.

Holy crap, 2020, give it a rest already. I can't take all the nonsense you're throwing like confetti.

Want to read more #Microblog Mondays? Go here and enjoy! (tried to post last night from my phone and it was not having it.)


  1. Glad to read Lucky is doing better.
    2020 definitely needs a pause (STOP) button.

    1. Thank you! It took until the past few days, but he's finally acting like his old self. He scared us so badly!

  2. Yikes! I'm glad your kitty is better. That's way too much to deal with in one night!

    1. It was not one of the better nights, ha! He is finally back to his old self. He scared us for a good week and a half after the episode and hospitalization. Sheesh.

  3. Oh man, that sounds stressful! So glad Lucky feels better and that you got a new car battery right when you needed it.

    Count me in as another vote for "Holy crap, 2020, give it a rest already."

    1. I so agree, give it a freaking rest already, 2020! And I am so grateful for my AAA membership, that saved me. How cool to get a new battery installed on the spot? Not cool to leave my cat behind for days, but all's well on all fronts for now. :)

  4. Oh good grief, 2020!

    I'm so glad Lucky is home and healing. How harrowing, even without the 2 am dead battery alongside open-facers.

    1. Yes! Harrowing is a good word, it felt like a horror show. Lucky is back to playing and running around like a lunatic, he was real poorly for a good week and a half so we're very relieved that he's back to normal.

  5. Oh man...you’re last sentence is epic...it just sums up this whole ClusterFuck that is 2020. So very, very glad Lucky is doing better!! And don’t worry about the “senior” title...my mom’s dog was 14 last year and he had an abscessed tooth that causes him to bleed out...we almost out him down but he peeked up when he saw my mom, and a year plus later he’s just as spunky as ever, even the vet said he should have died!
    Been reading along with you and thinking of you...just been a terrible commenter lately!! Hugs!!

    1. Oh gosh, no worries, I'm sure you're insanely busy! Oh man, I'm glad your mom's dog survived and is still kicking! And we are so grateful that Lucky is back to his old self. So scary.

  6. Lucky looks very relaxed now. I hope he is healing well. And I hope you've recovered from your ordeal. Things go wrong when you least need it them to! Good grief, it's an awful year.

    1. He is! He is doing so much better, there was a week or so where he started getting sick again and we were real nervous, but now he's back to his old tricks. It really is an awful year. We're more than half done though, wooo?

  7. That’s just too. Much. Drama. To contend with, Jess. You need a week at a (non-COVID) spa...

    1. Yesss! I keep saying I need to spend a week in a spa run by robots. Kind, non-killer robots.
