Sunday, March 11, 2018


I am not exactly feeling like it's anything to shout to the rooftops, but I've lost 6 pounds. So, if we're going with the 15 pound number and not the 20, that means I'm around 30% of the way to my goal.

My plan has been working out pretty well:

- I have been going to the gym 3 times per week, religiously. I have added in that 4th day of yoga/pilates for three weeks now. I did get some walks in, but then it got all icy/snowy again and that slowed. But spring has to come soon, right? RIGHT?
- My lunches are overwhelmingly plant-based, high fiber jobbies.
- I am not eating bagels for weekday breakfasts anymore. Maybe once in 4 weeks.
- Okay, I tried with the celery. I did so well for a while. It is crunchy, and I could fool myself into thinking it was a real watery chip. Sort of. But the strings...the strings are the worst. So I just don't eat as much of other things.
- The fish oil and probiotic have been a consistent thing. I feel like the fish oil is having all kinds of positive effects. I'm not so sure about the probiotic. But, it can't hurt.
- Definitely eating more fruits. Not so much more vegetables, but I do love me some roasted brussel sprouts, and I eat those several times a week.
- I'm doing okay with the water... some days better than others. I drink a fair amount after school.
- I'm not having as much sugary things. But you know, there are gluten free Girl Scout Cookies. So there's that. The ToffeeTastic cookies are damn tasty.
- The food diary.

Yes, the food diary really does work -- it is so powerful to write down what you eat and hold yourself accountable. I have the food diary as part of my bullet journal, and it definitely keeps me from mindless eating. Because if I DO mindlessly shovel food in my mouth, I don't have space to write it all down, and then the shame is DOUBLED. Self shame is a pretty good tool for me.

I am really enjoying my bullet journal, and feel like it is giving me a creative outlet and encouraging me to be somewhat artsy, and also it is helping me organize my life. The food diary is helping the stupid liver. The trackers are helpful, and I love the gratitude journaling.

So, progress -- 6 pounds down (around 2 pounds per week with one week only going down .4, but that was a somewhat decadent "fuckit" week, so I forgive myself. I gotta live, too, right?); and a beautiful bullet journal that I am STILL DOING in March with fidelity, and getting right fancy with.

I will leave you with some fun spreads and doodles. I do not consider myself a good draw-er, and my students will attest to that fact (I often need to label things to make them recognizable) so these things make me feel quite accomplished:

My lettering needs some work but I'm having fun experimenting. Those snowdrops...ridiculously proud of those! They are based on a picture of a stencil I found on Pinterest, but I did draw them.

It's lovely to see progress, with my whole liver plan and my bullet journalling. One of these will likely result in a good followup doctor's appointment this week...


  1. Woohoo! And love all your work on he bullet journal. Especially the snowdrops

    1. Thanks! I love that you can make a bullet journal whatever works for you, and for me making it a fun art project is steam-releasing. So proud of those silly snowdrops... This from someone who leaves the arms off stick figures at school on the regular!

  2. Hey go you! So good you celebrated your success here!

    1. Thanks so much! It's good to celebrate success, even if you get whacked down a peg just a few days later. :( But this was a genuinely happy post!

  3. Congrats on the progress with your plan!!! That is awesome! I like your lettering, illustrations, and the different formats on the pages of your bullet journal.

    1. Thank you! I think what I love most about the bullet journal is how truly customizable it is, and how from month to month you can play with different layouts until you find the ones that work for you. The plan...well, some setbacks were inevitable, but I wish I could just go with my home scale and send pictures to my doctor. Heh.

  4. Wow, that's definite progress - wonderful! The bullet journal pictures are lovely.

    1. Thanks so much! Progress keeps a body motivated. And I am proud of my drawing, which is usually abhorrent. I need labels all the time when drawing at school. :)

  5. Yay you!! Six pounds is great progress! (And thanks for the peek at your journal pages!)

    1. Thanks! I am thinking that since when I weighed myself at home when I got my diagnosis it matched the doctor's office, that it's a real progress, although a little up and down (but what's not, honestly?) So I can feel good about those 6 pounds despite the fact that the doctor's scale said different. And the journal is so much fun! I just bought some new fun pens... Ack, obsession!

  6. I just love how creative and playful you are, Jess. And congrats on building these new and healthy habits!

    1. Thank you so much! I feel like that's what keeps you young, you know? Trying new things, playing with pens, attempting some drawing. :) Thanks, I think the new and healthy habits will serve me real well long term. I just wish the progress was front loaded so you could feel real motivated and like you were totally on the right track.

  7. Well done on the weight loss and the journal. I haven't started it yet, but I still want to. I need to have a bullet journal to get me started on the bullet journal! Yours makes it look fun. Yay, you!

    1. Thanks! I wish it was more linear, the weight loss, instead of an up-and-down, sort of circular thingie. Grrr. So much fun to try to lose weight when compromised, over 40, starting the whole hot flash nonsense... no fun! I feel like Pinterest is a bullet journal rabbit hole. I also feel like once you get started you can do just one month at a time and play with things to see what you like and what you need space for. Good luck, it's a little daunting at first but I'm getting the knack of not letting it be a time suck and having fun with it!

  8. Ummm, 6lbs is nothing to scoff at...that’s AMAZING work. Well done, Jess!!!

    1. Thanks so much! I am very hard on myself, and I need to get better at incremental progress and celebrating the habits, and then the successes as they come. Thanks so much!

  9. Thanks so much! I wish the doctor's office agreed with my bathroom scale, but my bathroom scale is telling me a glorious story of success. Frankly, my pants are, too, so I should just go with that. Right? I need to keep on kicking that ass!

  10. Congratulations! You are looking wonderful, and best of all I bet you’re feeling better and better. Love those snowdrops! So symbolic, those...resolutely pushing up through the ice and snow. And your calligraphy for “Slainte” is beautiful. Yay for healthy livers and higher spirits. ☘️
