Monday, April 8, 2019

#Microblog Mondays: I Know What This Is...

The other day I was thinking about my medical leave, which starts tomorrow. Because my hysterectomy is tomorrow, it's just before midnight, and I am currently eating my last food for the foreseeable future, a piece of gluten free honey toast (sounds sad, but I had Bryce's homemade Chicken Makhani for dinner just a couple hours ago, so I am quite full of tasty goodness...although the wisdom of spicy Indian food the night before major surgery may be questionable).

It's six weeks long.

It involves my uterus.


First, I have to say, I AM NOT SAD. This concept is highly entertaining to me, neither woe-is-me nor meant to pull at the tear ducts.

I never got to take the maternity leave I wanted so badly. And while this isn't the same, as I am losing my supposed babymaker and not getting anything in return other than a beautifully pain-free existence, it does seem a little poetic. To me, anyways.

It's my farewell to the uterus, off-you-go sendoff, a definitive closing of reproductive years that weren't actually all that reproductive. It's a Non-Maternity Leave.

It feels a bit more pleasant framing my recovery from surgically losing most of my reproductive system in this way; it feels more like something oddly celebratory.

Happy Bizarro Maternity Leave Eve to me!

Want to read more #Microblog Mondays? Go here and enjoy! 


  1. Love it. And love the framing of this being a closure as well as embarking on a new journey.

    Good luck with the surgery! Hoping it goes very well.

  2. This is the day of surgey, apparently, because you are the third person I know going under the knife today!
    Saying lots of prayers that everything goes as smoothly as possible, and that you don’t feel too terrible afterwards. Lots of love to you Jess! Update when you can!! Xoxoxo

  3. Good luck with your surgery and recovery!

  4. I hope that your surgery goes well tomorrow and that your Bizarro Maternity Leave is as pain-free as possible. Thinking of you!

  5. Happy Bizarrro Maternity leave to you! I think it's perfectly poetic, and I'm excited for all the sleepful nights you'll have in your future.

    Sending you good and healing thoughts tonight and tomorrow, especially.

  6. You are one amazing woman, Jess. May your recovery be s time of healing and renewal. Love you!

  7. Happy Bizzaro Maternity Leave, Jess! You deserve it. Though I'd prefer to call it Female Freedom Leave!

    I can't quite work out time zones, but figure you have had the surgery by now. You'll be feeling pretty groggy right now, so rest up - and sleep as much as you can (it heals). I wish I lived near you so I could bring over meals and treats, and have a chat when you feel up to it. Take care.

  8. Hey, wishing you a relaxing and speedy recovery! Enjoy your leave as much as possible!

  9. "Bizarro Maternity Leave" -- love it! I know you are recovering from some major surgery, but I hope you are able to enjoy your time off -- if anyone has earned this, it's you! (((hugs)))
