Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tiny Tuesday... Quick Update

"Tiny Tuesday" is not real thing...just hilarious to me that this post will likely be tinier than my actual #Microblog Mondays post about my gardens. 

Called the agency today at a friend's suggestion to check up on the progress with the homestudy report. 


We are homestudy approved as of June 25th. Yup, that's right, WE ARE APPROVED.

We won't get a report to review and sign for another couple of weeks, but once they receive a favorable report, your clock starts ticking. 

So, um, the profile book schedule just got ratcheted up a boatload of notches... we could be receiving profile opportunities NOW if that thing was in and printed. It truly is the LAST thing! 

So, not going to rush, because it's so important and all, but the plan is to have a draft to send our Family Advocate social worker no later than Monday. I will just work very carefully and very speedily all at the same time. 

Butterflies in my garden, butterflies in my stomach! FutureBaby, we're getting closer and closer to you!


  1. congratulations on being approved! lots of breathing and photo layout to do now :-)

    1. AWESOME NEWS!!! I'm so excited for you. Good luck finalizing the profile book,

    2. Thank you! Only a few more pages to go for draft, and then it's just tweaking and sending to the social worker for any glaring missteps. I'm feeling less stressed but spent over 6 hours on it yesterday and my shoulders are actually sore from hunching over the computer. :) Today is a gorgeous day so I can't spend all of it slaving over layouts, but tonight is Bryce's turn to have at it. Almost there...

  2. That's wonderful news, congratulations! Best of luck on finishing the profile book.

    1. Thank you! It is kind of surreal, because this momentous thing happened two weeks ago and we were kind of unawares. But now we know and can get to that Waiting Parent status as soon as we can without slapping this thing together! :)

  3. Wow! Tiny post with big news! Excited for you as you get closer to finishing your book. Hope you get good feedback from your Social Worker and with anyone else you share it. :)

    1. Thank you! Almost there... Just a few tweaks and then we send it for SW review. Hoping it passes muster!
