Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Microblog Mondays: The End Is Near

Although I could mean that figuratively, that we are in end times, because it sure feels like that most days, I mean it literally. This is the last full week of school, HALLELUJAH.

I am days away from being able to collapse into a pile of goo. 

I remember back in March when all this started and thinking, "well, I'll have extra time to blog and do stuff!" Umm, no. 

I feel like I'm the final stretch of a marathon I didn't train for (also I don't know what thinking a marathon feels like but I would imagine it's unpleasant by those final miles). 

There are positives, for sure -- I've been able to reach students far more personally and it's created an amazing bond. I have learned new ways of interacting with and instructing and engaging my students in online platforms. Family communication has been frequent, supportive, and better than it's ever been. 


Emotionally, physically, intellectually. It's worth it, but I am going to need a good 3 weeks of jack nothing to recover. 

And then plan for another year, that could totally look not so different from this one. 

Except for the luxury of time to plan and reflect. 

Want to read more #Microbiology Mondays? Go here and enjoy! 


  1. You're so close! You can do it Jess!!!

  2. Hang in there, gorgeous Jess! It'll be over before you know it. Then celebrate and take it easy.

  3. I agree - and you are almost there! This was one crazy ride and I really, really hope it will be calmer in the fall!

  4. I hope by now you are on the other side of this year's finish line. Congrats on a race well run!

    Now enjoy resting and recharging :-).

  5. Congrats! Happy collapsing!! Enjoy sleeping and lying around and staring at the walls and doing nothing until you are restored and your brain and heart can function again. :)

    Thank you for all you did for your students and their families. Teaching online school was HARD. You deserve a break!

  6. And now by the time I'm commenting you're...done? Almost done? Either way, congratulations!! You did something unprecidented and you made it though. Have fun relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. :)

  7. Congratulations on making it to the end of the school year! I hope you are able to collapse and enjoy the well-earned rest.

  8. I hope you are now on the other side & enjoying some well deserved R&R!
