Saturday, January 6, 2018

You're Not Allowed to Be Busy

The day before the holiday break, I told the two students who tried to have lunch in my room, "Sorry charlies, but there's no work to do today and I desperately need an adult, social lunch, to the cafeteria you go!" and I had lunch with a bunch of my colleagues. They are lovely ladies, and most of the time the conversation doesn't fill me with fury.

On this day though, I got to see a real ugly side of the Mom Club. A great example of comparison turning people into "mean girls," and I witnessed some real bitchery.

A teacher who recently went from mom of two to mom of four was complaining about another teacher, that she was just driving her CRAZY. Granted, this other teacher tends to do the comparison thing herself and tell everyone that their life can't ever be hard because they have spouses and two salaries and she is single and so it's harder financially, and it can really rub people the wrong way. It can be offputting to be told you can't complain when not everyone knows your personal situations in and out. Sometime I'm told by my coworkers, "Oh, don't complain -- you have a husband, you know...your life is charmed. Haven't you been told that?" and I actually have to say, "um, no, I don't get told that, actually...I get a little more of the 'I know you know how hard life can be,' because, you know, I've had things very obviously not turn out the way I'd hoped, too." But they get real mad when their personal lives are judged by comparison and any difficulties in the background are ignored or glossed over.

Which is why it was somewhat shocking to me to find the reason for this mom teacher's ire.

She said, "She had the BALLS to say she was tired because she was so busy! I just wanted to PUNCH her!" Okay, I was thinking that surely she must said something stupid like, "you have NO IDEA how tired I am!" to a fairly recent mother of twins and two older boys. She must have made a direct comparison or said "you just don't know what it's like."

But that's NOT what happened.

Mom Teacher said, "I was walking down the hall and she said, 'Ah, I am SO TIRED, my eyes are just BURNING, I was wrapping presents all night last night!' Can you believe that? I could have just PUNCHED her." (She has a thing for punching.)

Okay, you see, I was ALSO walking down the hall when this exchange happened, and there was no comparison. It was literally a statement of fact: she was tired, she'd been wrapping presents, she couldn't wait for break because she needed a break from everything. NO COMPARISON.

And then, the kicker happened.

All the other women at the table, also moms to children of varying ages, expressed shock and disapproval and outrage. And one then said, "What was she, wrapping presents for her CAT?" and they all laughed. "How dare she say she's busy? She doesn't have kids! She doesn't know what that's like! Ugh! Busy INDEED!" were the other comments.

I was shocked, but then I decided, fuck it. I'm going to say something, because this is DISGUSTING. I piped up in the middle of this bizarre witch hunt and said, "Um, you don't have to have kids to be busy. You can have a very hectic life and be tired, even without kids."

People stopped and looked at me, and I saw flickers of unease and perhaps a little sheepishness, and there was some of the awesome, "Oh, we didn't mean YOU, of course" which is bullshit. A comment like that is an affront to ANYONE who isn't in the Mom Club, who must just sit at home reveling in our childfree existence, not having to Scotchguard all the upholstered furniture.

I continued, "but it is, isn't it? I mean, I get it -- it's busy with children, But there are lots of ways to have a fulfilling, busy life. I mean, I just got my National Board certification and Bryce is pursuing his PhD, and we can be very busy with different things of our own, no kids required."

Then there was hemming and hawing and one person said, "I had no idea that I could be busier when I had kids, but I just fit it all in there somehow and other things had to go, that's not the same. You ARE so much busier with kids." Which sort of missed the point. I wasn't saying you aren't busy with kids, I know that's true, but they made it seem like no one else could ever complain about busyness or tiredness.

I know that I get more sleep than someone who has a baby or even a toddler. I know that I don't have to drive all over town for lessons and play groups and whatever. But that insidious message that you can only complain about being busy, you can only complain about being tired when you have a bevy of little doesn't make sense to me. It's a really shallow worldview.

I was really, really pissed by the whole interaction. My T.A. told me later that she was glad I spoke up, and that it was disgusting how mean they were. She said that you never know what's on anyone's plate and you shouldn't judge anyone else or assume that you know what their life is like.

For instance, do they know that this single teacher has a second job tutoring? That it IS actually harder without a second full time income -- I mean, so many of us have husbands who make a LOT more money than we do, and she has just her teaching salary and what she makes tutoring, and frankly that IS harder financially. Do they know that she was wrapping a shit-ton of presents for her cousin's kids, for her friends' kids, that she has children in her life even if she doesn't have children? That she might not have the pressure of waiting until kids go to bed to do it, and there's no pretending to be Santa, but that wrapping is wrapping is wrapping? You get just as many papercuts when they're not actually your children. I know these people know that she's going through a couple different crises at the moment, too, and the lack of empathy is astounding. It is hard when there's a bit of a "no one can possibly know what I'm going through" attitude coming from the target of this vitriol, and it can be hard to be sympathetic to someone who goes through difficult times and isn't always personable about it, but it just felt so UNCALLED FOR, the sharpness of the cuts. "What is she, wrapping presents for her cat?" I mean, what the actual fuck?

I talked to my dad about it over break because I was still steaming, and he was like, "Oh, she's single and has no kids? Oh no, she's not ALLOWED to be busy. Only moms get that privilege. They're the ones who have the contests of who has the most crap to deal with, who got the least amount of sleep, who's the most tired." (He was being sarcastic of course...he's a single guy and so gets his fair share of this attitude, too.)

WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO WIN THESE KINDS OF CONTESTS? Why can't you BOTH be tired for your own separate reasons, and just be like, "yeah, the holidays suck, I hope you get some rest!" and leave it at that? It's always amazing to me that there seems to be some sort of prize for who has the most misery. Leave me out of that racket.

Whew, okay, rant over. What I learned from this is that I don't want to know what's said about me behind my back. I want to make sure that I always speak up when the Mom Brigade gets going, if only to try to open up a chink in that self-righteous armor and hopefully inspire a little looking at another perspective. I wish I had spoken up and told them how mean it was to make that comment about the cat, but next time I can be more aggressive (in a nice way) about it. Because unfortunately I am certain that there will be a next time. I am so disappointed in the lack of kindness, but hopefully I can help dilute the poison and build a more peaceful, inclusive worldview. I can hope, right?


  1. Oh Jess, you have hit upon one of my great pet peeves!
    I have written about this topic several times over the years; I think this was the first:

    I'm rather horrified (but sadly not surprised) that they didn't stop to think that there was someone else in the room who didn't have kids (and why) -- until you spoke up & reminded them. Good for you for doing that! Maybe they will think twice before opening their mouths again. (But I'm not entirely hopeful. :p )

    1. Right? I am not shy about our situation, and I guess they just don't hear me complain a lot so they forget? I don't know. I just thought it was all so mean-spirited. I can hope the think twice thing might Halloween, but I'm skeptical.

      Thanks for sharing your post, such a great one! Such an off thing, this feeling that you can't be truly busy or tired unless you have kids at home. Harrumph.

  2. Firstly, brava Jess! Well done on speaking up.

    Second, what is a teacher going on about punching other people for? She obviously has a lot of pent-up anger. Her comment says so much more about her than it does about the woman who was tired.

    And third, the mothers version of Pain Olympics. It's all so pointless. Tired is tired is tired. Tired is hard. Tired after weeks/months/years of caring for twins clearly turns you into an insane person.

    And you're right - the woman who said she got busier when she had children missed the point.

    Compassion, on the other hand, is gold. A pity they haven't realised this.

    1. Hmmm, I do go around talking about sticking forks in my eyes and stabbing things (I'm quick to say PILLOWS! I'm going to stab a PILLOW!), but I guess causing harm to someone else does point to anger. For as much as I love teaching, it can definitely cause a lot of frustration. And, as my grandma used to say, "Teaching is a jealous mistress." So I can imagine having your patience tried at home and at school would lend itself to being angry... but still uncalled for to be that nasty. (She didn't say the cat comment though. Someone else did.)

      Yes, so the mom's Pain Olympics. I agree -- totally pointless, and not really helpful to anyone. I don't doubt they're all super tired, but at the same time, where's all this "ugh everything is awful" when they're going on about how their hearts are just bigger now, or they really know the meaning of love, or that you don't know what you're capable of until you have children? Argh. You made me laugh so hard with the insane person thing... :)

      Here's hoping for more compassion. And realizing that there's so many ways to be miserable, and having kids doesn't give you the monopoly on that. Sigh.

  3. So proud of you for speaking up! The comment about wrapping presents for her cat was especially vicious

    1. Thank you! I am trying to do better with really putting my money where my mouth is. Not likely going to make me real popular, but how will these attitudes ever hope to change if people don't speak up instead of simmering quietly? :) And yeah. The cat thing was horrific. Unbelievable how vicious women can be to other women.

  4. Ugh, it is so rude to talk about people behind their backs that way regardless of their number of children if any! I am perpetually tired lately and I never thought of it as a status symbol lol. How ironic that you told your teenage students you needed a grownup lunch and then your colleagues displayed the worst kind of immature behaviour!

    1. Right? I feel a bit like you are what you teach to some extent, and while we talk about the harm of gossiping and bullying I do feel like the adults do a fair bit themselves. I've been guilty of it myself, although not quite to this extent (I hope), but I agree -- I'd probably have had a less frustrating lunch with my lovely students!

      PS - Oh, totally play up your tiredness, you could TOTALLY win at this game. Ha.

  5. Any variation on the Pain Olympics, including the Busy Olympics, is so flipping pointless.

    I am also so proud of you for speaking up assertively and reflecting these Very Busy Moms back to themselves.

    1. Right? Ooh, I like that, Busy Olympics. So dumb. I hate in general when people brag about how very busy they are. I just want to be like, "Yes, you're clearly very busy and important, good luck with that." I feel busy a lot but I also try to make time for reading and self-care, and that is super important to me. I don't want to win at this game. I want to be relaxed and grateful and fulfilled and not a mean person. Thanks for the kudos, I hope that I can always suck it up and say the unpopular thing when it means doing the right thing. Still mad at myself for not saying how hurtful the cat comment was. Arghhhh.

  6. I’ve written so many posts about this type of BS. I hate these comparisons and it’s a reason I often end up rolling my eyes at people who start up on this, announcing that they are clearly not busy as they have time for such comparisons.

    I’m also glad you spoke up because they needed to not be allowed to get away with this BS. Having kids vs not having kids doesn’t mean people are not allowed to feel certain ways. Those who find that their lives are ..ier in anyway should be comparing solely with themselves because the comparison is otherwise fruitless. And just plain stupid.

    1. Oh my goodness, I love your comeback! You're not super busy if you can point out other people's level of busy... :) Brilliant. I feel like my level of tolerance for BS is getting so, so very low. I don't like being made to feel less than (or watching people make other people "less than" especially behind their backs!!!). I don't want to fume in silence but not contribute to a change. I agree, compare with yourself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with complaining that you're busy, or tired, or that you just can't keep on top of the holidays. But leave it at that, and commiserate with other people who feel the same for possibly different reasons. Sigh.

  7. Props to you for calling them out on their assumptions. It's sad that they were too self-centered or defensive to acknowledge in a meaningful way.

    I'm a firm believer in finding happiness by appreciating what I've got. To be honest, that can entail some amount of comparison. That said, I hope someone smacks me upside the head with a frying pan should I ever start playing the 'my life is harder/easier than yours game' in the company of other people! Thank you for pulling out the frying pan, even if your audience wasn't receptive! :)

    1. Thanks, I think when people are called out on less than desirable behavior they can be resistant to accepting that it was as bad as it was. I really, really wish I had the balls to say "you don't have to get nasty" instead of simply pointing out the obvious...that kids aren't required for exhaustion to occur. I'm with you -- I want to be appreciative, but I also want to be able to vent a bit. Leaving the comparison part out in a nasty way shouldn't be too hard, right? Like, I can come home from dinner where a kid had a meltdown and be grateful that I'm going home to a quiet home, right? That's comparing without being nasty. :) A little complaining never hurt anyone, it's when it's then apparently not allowed and the claws come out that it's a problem, I think. Thank goodness I've got my frying pan to whack at those claws! :)

  8. I hate those type of conversations too! Like you said, it's just mean spirited and uncalled for. I've seen several similar themed memes going around on facebook and they always bug me. Like you have no right to complain about feeling tired just because you don't have kids?!

  9. Oh god, parents having the monopoly on being busy and exhausted and sleeping badly does piss me off. Didn't they get the memo before they had kids, for god's sake. I've given up saying "actually I have had pretty bad insomnia since my teens and have fatigue and brain fog 24/7" - I won't engage in any pity parties, I'm too tired for that (ha). Good for you for speaking up. I also sometimes wonder about the opposite approach: "Yeah sounds awful, I dodged a bullet there, I'm glad my life is so easy and peaceful, not to mention my healthy savings account". But then I would get the whole retort of "Well, I'd much rather have the joy of having children" so that's probably not a winner. Ah jesus, it all sucks. Thank god we have each other on here

  10. This is so ridiculous. My sister, who does not have kids, is absolutely busier than I am and gets less sleep than I do. Granted it is different kind of busy, but I would never say to her that she doesn't know busy because she doesn't have kids. Ugh.

    The wrapping presents for her cats is such a catty comment. How terrible.
